PlayVinyl.London IT'S A SOUND CHOICE.

The finest restored & custom-built record players, amplifiers and speakers - because hearing is believing.

PlayVinyl is a shared journey over the past 20 years to enjoy and reproduce the world’s Vinyl using the best equipment for the job.  

We reproduce authentic analogue sound for non-digital ears. Buy our original vinyls or bring your own favourite vinyl for us to play so you can hear the difference for yourself. We specialise in unusual, useable and exciting items for your sound journey.

What We Offer

Vinyl playback is a simple process of preserving signal and reproducing the sound our favourite artists and their sound engineers expected of their work when it was mastered.

Recognising that proper reproduction of these sounds can create a physical tingle which has the hairs stand up on our bodies, is a part of the reason that live music is such a popular alternative to canned and convenient sounds. It's a complete tonic, and Vinyl offers a similar and engaging experience all of its own.

The natural phenomenon of having goosebumps does not happen with digital source. Vinyl is a great way to ensure the preservation of an artform that we stand to lose if we fail to notice this primary difference in playback in favour of a compression we simply can take and should leave.

As John Peel Famously Said “Life Has Surface Noise”

Modern playback of original studio Vinyl divorces the listener from the full musical and sensory experience we know is available.

OUR MISSION is to demonstrate that the point of collecting good quality original Vinyl is to hear and touch what the artist intended and not to simply engage with a remastered, silent drive or compressed alternative.

Our ethos

Our ethos is that the world deserves to hear great analogue recordings as they were intended. Our approach is knowledge based with a vast stock that constantly changes and evolves. Sound equipment should not be an internet purchase, as it must be seen for its quality and heard directly because it is analogue - not all offers on playback equipment or media are equal: hearing is believing.

Therefore, taking the time to come and see and hear what we do allows the customer to decide what actually represents real value - vinyl suits our ears and was the industry standard until the late 80’s. Despite replacement media failing to comply with our analogue needs this was promoted by the industry, for repeat sales. The difference is huge and must be heard: "compared with quality, price is relatively important” Alfred Dunhill (1923). Dunhill was a pioneer in customer service and quality.

What’s Cooking?


We’re developing a simple merchandise range to recognise your support, and hope that you will like it.


Want to tune your ears to the magic PlayVinyl London has to offer?